terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2008

YES to Sarah Palin, NO to B. HUSSEIN

Sarah Smile

Song Lloyd Marcus.

domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008

Mais curiosidades obâmicas

Por Olavo de Carvalho
Jornal do Brasil, 25 de setembro de 2008

A coluna de Maureen Dowd citada no artigo anterior era falsa. O engraçadinho que a enviou a mim sabia disso, pois não pode tê-la colhido nas páginas do New York Times, onde ela nunca esteve.

Em todo caso, não a mencionei como prova de nada, apenas como ilustração, curiosa mas dispensável, de algo que já estava bem provado por mil e um outros meios: que, se a candidatura de Barack Obama, como qualquer outra, é subsidiada por uma multiplicidade de fontes, o mesmo não se pode dizer da sua carreira total, criada e financiada desde o início por pessoas ligadas a organizações pró-terroristas e/ou ao banditismo puro e simples. Quem formou sua mentalidade foram os doutrinadores extremistas Frank Marshall Davis e Jeremiah Wright, quem o lançou na política foi o terrorista William Ayers (do grupo “Homem do Tempo”), quem pagou seus estudos em Harvard foi um mentor dos “Panteras Negras”, quem mais coletou dinheiro para ele nas eleições ao Senado foi um vigarista sírio condenado por dezesseis crimes. Que essa candidatura desperte o entusiasmo de todos os grupos pró-terroristas e partidos comunistas do mundo não prova uma “conspiração” em sentido estrito – tecnicamente, nenhum movimento histórico de amplitude mundial pode ser chamado uma “conspiração” –, mas também não pode ser uma inocente coincidência ex post facto. Obama nasceu desse meio, alimentou-se dele, e o aplauso que daí recebe é apenas o reforço final necessário para que a ambição longamente acalentada de destruir os EUA desde dentro (e desde cima) deixe de ser apenas um sonho de mentes malignas e se torne uma temível realidade.

Ahmadinejad tem razão: a eleição de Obama, se acontecer, será o sinal verde para a conquista da América pelo Islam revolucionário e seus parceiros comunistas, como a sedução da alma do príncipe Charles por um guru muçulmano, mais de vinte anos atrás, – ignorada pela mídia até hoje – foi o início da conquista da Inglaterra. Esta geração dificilmente passará sem que o mundo veja a autodissolução da Igreja anglicana e sua transformação em entreposto do islamismo. Mas talvez passe sem que os EUA – e portanto Israel – consumem sua rendição sacrificial ante o altar de seus inimigos. A presente eleição americana não é o último lance dessa disputa, mas é certamente um dos mais decisivos.

Ainda não sei ao certo como a crise econômica sustada pela ação rápida da Presidência americana se insere nesse quadro, mas sei que ela foi criada pelos democratas, que agora escondem suas culpas, como sempre, por trás de acusações ao governo e extraem proveito eleitoral de seus próprios crimes ignorados pela população. Fannie Mae e Freddie Mac já estavam encrencados em 2005 e o Senado discutia uma lei para impedir o desastre. A lei foi bloqueada pelos senadores Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd e – vejam só – Barack Obama, que em seguida receberam vultosas contribuições de campanha de Fannie e Freddie. (Leiam a história em http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0, e fiquem tranqüilos: ninguém me enviou a matéria por e-mail, eu mesmo a li na página da Bloomberg.)

Seria ingênuo esperar de esquerdistas uma conduta mais decente. Nas últimas semanas, eles apelaram aos expedientes mais extremos para esculhambar a candidatura McCain: montaram grupos terroristas armados de coquetéis Molotov para desmantelar a convenção republicana (cem incendiários foram presos na véspera, mas os remanescentes ainda fizeram um belo estrago), espalharam fofocas escabrosas sobre a família Palin (incluindo insinuações de incesto), armaram um escândalo nacional em torno da demissão de um policial no Alasca, como se fosse um novo Watergate, e invadiram os e-mails de Sarah Palin, publicando tudo (droga!, não havia nada de comprometedor). E a Folha de S. Paulo, com a cara mais bisonha do universo, informa a seus queridos leitores que Obama está escandalizado com o baixo nível dos ataques vindos da campanha McCain...

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2008

B. HUSSEIN said McCain is “right” nine times

Some of debate moments
September 26th, 2008 9:45 PM Eastern


By the way... this is a band that supports B. HUSSEIN (the name of this band is "Los MIERDAS" or SHIT, if you know what I mean....

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

Sarah Palin Interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity

Sarah Palin Interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity Part 1

Sarah Palin Interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity Part 2

Sarah Palin Interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity Part 3

Email Warning!

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Sarah Palin" in the subject line, do not open it. It might contain a virus.

If you get an e-mail with "Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton," do not open it.
It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008


by Ann Coulter
September 17, 2008

It's another election season, so that means it's time for Democrats to start uttering wild malapropisms about the Bible to pretend they believe in God!

In 2000, we had Al Gore inverting a Christian parable into something nearly satanic. Defending his nutty ideas about the Earth during one of the debates, Gore said: "In my faith tradition, it's written in the book of Matthew, where your heart is, there is your treasure also." And that, he said, is why we should treasure the environment.

First of all, people who say "faith tradition" instead of "religion" are always phony-baloney, "Christmas and Easter"-type believers.

Second, Jesus was making almost the exact opposite point, saying: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth," where there are moths, rust and thieves, but in heaven, because, Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

I guess that's the kind of mix-up that can happen when your theological adviser is Naomi Wolf.

Then in 2004, Democratic presidential candidate and future Trivial Pursuit answer Howard Dean told an interviewer that his favorite part of the New Testament was the Book of Job. The reporter should have asked him if that was his favorite book in all three testaments.

And now in 2008, we have Democrats attacking Sarah Palin for being a Christian, while comparing Obama to Jesus Christ. (And not in the sarcastic way the rest of us do.)

Liberals have indignantly claimed that Palin thinks the founding fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance, which is Olbermannic in the sense that (a) if it were true, it's trivial, and (b) it's not true.

Their claim is based on a questionnaire Palin filled out when she was running for governor of Alaska in 2006, which asked the candidates if they were "offended by the phrase 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance." Palin answered: "Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for me, and I'll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance."

As anyone can see, Palin was not suggesting that the founding fathers "wrote" the Pledge of Allegiance: She said the founding fathers believed this was a country "under God." Which, um, it is.

For the benefit of MSNBC viewers who aren't watching it as a joke, the whole point of the Declaration of Independence was to lay out the founders' breathtaking new argument that rights came not from the king, but from God or, as the Declaration said, "Nature's God," the "Creator."

That summer, in 1776, Gen. George Washington -- a charter member of the founding fathers -- rallied his troops, saying: "The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves. ... The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of the army."

So Washington not only used the phrase "under God," but gave us one of the earliest known references to the rights of the "unborn." That's right! George Washington was a "pro-life extremist," just like Sarah Palin.

There is no disputing that a nation "under God" was "good enough" for the founding fathers, exactly as Palin said.

Meanwhile, on the House floor last week, Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee compared Palin to Pontius Pilate -- and Obama to Jesus. Cohen said: "Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor." Yes, who can forget the Biblical account of how Jesus got the homeless Samaritan to register as a Democrat in exchange for a carton of smokes!

Rep. Cohen would be well-advised to stay away from New Testament references.

As anyone familiar with the New Testament can confirm for him, there are no parables about Jesus passing out cigarettes for votes, lobbying the Romans for less restrictive workfare rules or filing for grants under the Community Redevelopment Act. No time for soul-saving now! First, we lobby Fannie Mae to ease off those lending standards and demand a windfall profits tax on the money-changers in the temple.

David Freddoso's magnificent new book, The Case Against Barack Obama describes the forefather to "community organizers" like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- the famed Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky is sort of the George Washington of "community organizers." If there were an America-hater's Mount Rushmore, Saul Alinsky would be on it. He tried to hire Hillary to work for him right out of Wellesley. A generation later, those who had trained with Alinsky did hire Obama as a community organizer.

In Freddoso's book, he quotes from the dedication in the first edition of Alinsky's seminal book, "Rules for Radicals," where Alinsky wrote:

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: From all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."

I suppose it could have been worse. He could have dedicated his book to George Soros.

Even liberals eventually figured out that they shouldn't be praising Satan in public, so the Lucifer-as-inspiration paragraph was cut from later editions of Alinsky's book. (But on the bright side, MSNBC* adopted as its motto: "Who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which.")

That's exactly what happens to most Democratic ideas -- as soon as they are said out loud, normal people react with revulsion, so Democrats learn to pretend they never said them: I was NOT comparing Palin to a pig! I did not play the race card! I did not say I would meet with Ahmadinejad without preconditions!

Sarah Palin might be just the lucky break the Democrats need. As a staunch pro-lifer, Palin could give Democrats an excuse to steer away from topics they know nothing about, like the Bible, and onto a subject they know chapter and verse, like abortion.


*MSNBC - Militant Socialist Network


Vídeo balado do site do Heitor De Paola

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008

Hockey Moms

quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008




terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2008

By the way...


I heard the entire interview. The video is not "out of context."
The "educated", "eloquent", "articulate B. Hussein", when not reading from a script, puts his foot in his mouth every time.

"Why is FOX NEWS the only one to show this clip and CNN & MSNBC not showing this?"

You really have to ask why Militant Socialist Network and CNN aren't showing it???

You can't hold the Bible in one hand and the Karan in the other and declare yourself a Christian.

B. Hussein is a LIAR!

quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2008

Rede Globo: agonia e êxtase!

por Heitor De Paola em 04 de setembro de 2008

Resumo: Os jornalistas brasileiros que só lêem os press releases do Washington Post e do New York Times levaram um susto com a escolha da candidata a vice-presidente do republicano McCain, e transformam suas análises sobre o episódio num festival de hiprocrisia e reacionarismo moralista.

© 2008 MidiaSemMascara.org

A mídia oficialista brasileira levou um susto quando soube quem McCain havia escolhido como Vice. Depois de ignorarem solenemente a existência da Governadora do Alaska, embora qualquer pessoa que acessasse os jornais eletrônicos americanos já soubesse de sua inclusão nos planos há mais de um mês – e de seu favoritismo há duas semanas – se apavoraram com a notícia. Nossos grandes jornalistas que ganham para fazer não sei bem o quê, e só lêem os press releases do Washington Post e do New York Times, na véspera da escolha ainda colocavam três nomes como favoritos – todos homens, à frente Mitt Romney, há muito descartado.

O grande susto foi porque Sarah Palin é mulher, muito bonita, casada com o descendente de uma minoria – esquimós – mãe de muitos filhos, inclusive um com Síndrome de Down que recusou abortar porque é radicalmente anti-abortista, é a favor da abstenção pré-casamento, contra o ‘casamento’ (sic) gay, a favor da exploração do petróleo no seu estado, mas que já provou não ser capacho das petrolíferas impondo-lhes pesadas perdas. À primeira vista, imbatível! Agonia na Globo: e agora? Nosso queridinho Osama – perdão, Obama – pode ser derrotado!

O dia do comunicado também foi preciso: a data em que se comemora a assinatura da XV Emenda à Constituição Americana com a qual as mulheres conquistaram definitivamente o direito de sufrágio. Após um longo debate a Emenda foi aprovada pelo Congresso e, como é necessário, passou pelo processo de ratificação de, no mínimo, 36 estados, o último dos quais foi o Tennessee em 18 de agosto de 1920. No dia 26 foram certificadas as ratificações e a lei posta em vigor a 29.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

O timing foi tão perfeto que ofuscou até mesmo a data escolhida por Obama, a do discurso de Martin Luther King Jr. na véspera.

A Globo, como todo mundo sabe, tem uma influência decisiva na opinião pública americana – línguas maldosas dizem até que pululam secretamente cursos de Português para entender a GloboMews (atenção revisora: não é erro, é estábulo mesmo, devido ao conteúdo que expele!). O que fazer para reverter votos ex-Hillary e de conservadores irritados com Bush, e com as posições mais liberais de McCain?

Eis que se descobre um grande pecado e a agonia se transmuta em êxtase: a filha da Sarah, solteira, com 17 aninhos, está grávida! Oh, o horror! Finalmente os pés de barro que faltavam! A Globo, extremamente conservadora, como defensora incansável da moral tradicional e dos bons costumes – o que se espelha em suas saudáveis novelas de casamentos estáveis, famílias felizes, o bem sempre vencendo o mal – não poderia menos do que denunciar este escândalo indesculpável, esta afronta inominável!

Uma teen-ager grávida e solteira e nem favelada é! ECA nela! Finalmente as crianças e adolescentes até os 18 anos devem ter a ‘proteção’ do Estado. Ah, mas lá eles não têm ECA para cassar o pátrio poder dos Palin e mandar a transviada para o Conselho Tutelar de Juneau. Que pena! Já que não se pode tomar nenhuma medida legal recorra-se à suprema hipocrisia: paladinos das teorias liberais de criação de filhos transmutam-se imediatamente em sisudos reacionários e com aquele ar de indignação e cenho franzido como só os esquerdopatas conseguem à perfeição, decretam: incoerência assola a família Palin, enquanto a mãe defende a abstenção sexual pré-nupcial a filha ‘dá pra todo o mundo’, é uma devassa (comuna quando finge indignação não deixa por menos!). A esta altura, se bem conheço as redes comunistas mundiais, as ofensas já se espalharam por todo o planeta, tanto quanto foram sonegadas as informações sobre as ligações comunistas e antiamericanas do queridinho Os(b)ama, bem como sua falsidade ideológica – certidão de nascimento falsa e tudo quanto a ele se opõe.

Com que então, solenes cavalheiros, os filhos têm que seguir as idéias morais dos pais senão, pau neles? Ora, a alegação de incoerência não passa de um sofisma de péssima qualidade baseado nas idiotices coletivistas que recusam o direito à liberdade individual. Mas não vai dar certo, os conservadores americanos não são idiotas - e, queira a Globo ou não, são eles que votam: o truque do falso moralismo de ocasião não deu certo com o atual Vice, Dick Cheney, cuja filha é declaradamente lésbica, chefiou sua campanha ao lado de sua ‘companheira’ e Bush-Cheney foram eleitos duas vezes!


Comentário meu:
A tal "Rede Globo" é o próprio PRAVDA bem como quase toda a mídia tupiniquim e esquerdopata que mente, desinforma, enfim, não passam de um bando de criminosos que poderiam muito bem ter seus delitos tipificados no código penal para que fossem devidamente processados.

Convenção Republicana USA - Live

The Best Man Turned Out To Be A Woman

by Ann Coulter* (09/03/2008)

John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, as his running mate finally gave Republicans a reason to vote for him -- a reason, that is, other than B. Hussein Obama.

The media are hopping mad about McCain's vice presidential selection, but they're really furious over at MSNBC. After drawing "Keith (plus) Obama" hearts on their denim notebooks, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews stayed up all night last Thursday, writing jokes about Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the presumed vice presidential pick. Now they can't use any of them.

So the media are taking it out on our brave Sarah and her 17-year-old daughter.

They claimed Palin was chosen only because she's a woman. In fact, Palin was chosen because she's pro-life, pro-gun, pro-drilling and pro-tax cuts. She's fought both Republicans and Democrats on public corruption and does not have hair plugs like some other vice presidential candidate I could mention. In other words, she's a "Republican."

As a right-winger, Palin will appeal to the narrow 59 percent of Americans who voted for another former small-market sportscaster: Ronald Reagan. Our motto: Sarah Palin is only a heartbeat away!

If you're going to say Palin was chosen because she's a woman, you're going to have to demonstrate that the runners-up were more qualified. Gov. Tim Pawlenty seems like a terrific fellow and fine governor, but he is not obviously more qualified than Palin.

As for former governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge and Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman, the other also-rans, I can think of at least 40 million unborn reasons she's better than either of them.

Within the first few hours after Palin's name was announced, McCain raised $4 million in campaign donations online, reaching $10 million within the next two days. Which shortlist vice presidential pick could have beaten that?

The media hysterically denounced Palin as "inexperienced." But then people started to notice that she has more executive experience than B. Hussein Obama -- the guy at the top of the Democrats' ticket.

They tried to create a "Troopergate" for Palin, indignantly demanding to know why she wanted to get her ex-brother-in-law removed as a state trooper. Again, public corruption is not a good issue for someone like Obama, Chicago pol and noted friend of Syrian National/convicted felon Antoin Rezko.

For the cherry on top, then we found out Palin's ex-brother-in-law had Tasered his own 10-year-old stepson. Defend that, Democrats.

The bien-pensant criticized Palin, saying it's irresponsible for a woman with five children to run for vice president. Liberals' new talking point: Sarah Palin: Only five abortions away from the presidency.

They claimed her newborn wasn't her child, but the child of her 17-year-old daughter. That turned out to be a lie.

Then they attacked her daughter, who actually is pregnant now, for being unmarried. When liberals start acting like they're opposed to pre-marital sex and mothers having careers, you know McCain's vice presidential choice has knocked them back on their heels.

But at least liberal reporters had finally found someone their own size to pick on: a 17-year-old girl.

Speaking of Democrats with newborn children, the media weren't particularly concerned about John Edwards running for president despite his having a mistress with a newborn child.

While the difficult circumstances of Palin's pregnant daughter are being covered like a terrorist attack on the nation, with leering accounts of the 18-year-old father, the media remain resolutely uninterested in the parentage of Edwards' mistress's love child. Except, that is, the hardworking reporters at the National Enquirer, who say Edwards is the father.

As this goes to press, the latest media-invented scandal about Palin is that McCain didn't know her well before choosing her as his running mate. He knew her well enough, though admittedly, not as well as Obama knows William Ayers.

John F. Kennedy, who was -- from what the media tell me -- America's most beloved president, detested his vice president, Lyndon Johnson.

Until Clinton interviewed Al Gore one time before choosing him as his vice presidential candidate, he had met Gore only one other time: when Gore was running for president in 1988 and flew to Little Rock seeking Clinton's endorsement. Clinton turned him down.

To this day, there's no proof that Bill Clinton ever met one-on-one with his CIA director, James Woolsey, other than a brief chat after midnight the night before Woolsey's nomination was announced.

Barring some all-new, trivial and probably false story about Palin -- her former hairdresser got a parking ticket in 1978! -- the media apparently intend to keep being hysterical about McCain's alleged failure to "vet" Palin properly. The problem with this argument is that it presupposes that everyone is asking: "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?"

No one's saying that.

Attacks on McCain's "vetting" process require the media to keep claiming that Palin has a lot of problems. But she doesn't have any problems. Remember? Those were all blind alleys.

Unfortunately, for the ordinary TV viewer hearing nonstop hysteria about nonspecific "problems," it takes a lot of effort to figure out that every attack liberals have launched against Palin turned out to be a lie.

It's as if a basketball player made the winning shot in the last three seconds of the game and liberals demand that we have a week-long discussion about whether the player should have taken that shot. WHAT IF HE MISSED?

With Palin, McCain didn't miss.

*Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors," "Slander," "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)," "Godless," and most recently, "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans."